VI Photographic Meeting Granada: José María Mellado

The Mediterraean Centre of Granada University (Spain) presents each summer ‘Encuentros Fotográficos del Mediterráneo”, with workshops and lectures given by great artists like Isabel Muñoz, Alberto García-Alix, Julio Álvarez-Yagüe, Rafael Trobat and Joan Fontcuberta.


José María Mellado is leading the VI Photographic Meeting from September 15 to 17, 2015 with his workshop Technique. Style. Discourse’, that will be held in Granada University’s Faculty of Fine Arts. 


During the three-days workshop, the photographer will review rules about audiovisual grammar; will develope his photographic method for putting thecnic at the service of creativity. Mellado will make proposals and recommendations about how to find the own style and how to elaborate own reasoned argument.




More information and booking: VI Photographic Meeting Granada