I Edition of the Ánfora Photography Award: a recognition of the career of José María Mellado

Carboneras is preparing to become the epicenter of photography in Spain during the weekend of November 1 to 3, 2024, with the celebration of the I Edition of the Ánfora Photography Award. Organized by the Cultural Association El Cabo en Fotos and the collaboration of the Andalusian Federation of Photography and the City Council of Carboneras, this event promises to leave a mark on the photographic community, not only for its ambition to establish itself as an annual event, but also for the prestige of its honoree: José María Mellado; a renowned photographer from Almeria who has taken his art internationally and whose work has influenced thousands of photographers around the world.

Chosen as the first winner of this award, José María Mellado is known for being a benchmark in the field of photography who stands out for his unique ability to communicate emotions and tell stories through the lens, his dedication to photographic teaching, the publication of numerous books which have become key in the field of photography, and its influence that extends to photographers of all levels. The award could not have fallen, then, to a better figure. José María Mellado is a name that resonates strongly both inside and outside Spain. His meticulous approach and ability to capture the essence of landscapes, combined with a refined technique, have made him an undisputed author in contemporary photographic art.

The Ánfora Award is not just a recognition, it is an event dedicated to learning and inspiration, therefore, a unique opportunity for attendees to immerse themselves in the world of Mellado. Participants will be able to enjoy a variety of activities designed to learn from the teacher. Among them are: a visit to Holcims facilities to capture the beauty of industrial architecture, an intensive photography workshop where Mellado will share his techniques and knowledge, the review of the work carried out by the attendees with advice from the winner and a talkcolloquium that promises to be an enriching space for exchange and learning. The event will culminate with the presentation of the award to José María Mellado, a moment that promises to be as emotional as it is inspiring, and that will make him the first recipient of this inaugural edition of the Ánfora Photography Award.

The setting chosen for this event, Cabo de Gata, could not be more symbolic, as it is an idyllic area of Almeria with great personal and artistic value for Mellado.

With such a complete program and the presence of a photographer of the caliber of José María Mellado, this event promises to be an unmissable event for photography lovers. In addition to paying tribute to Mellados excellence, the Ánfora Photography Award seeks to consolidate itself as a meeting and learning space for all photographic art enthusiasts.

The I Ánfora Photography Prize promises to be a turning point in the history of photography in Carboneras, and a welldeserved tribute to one of the great photographers of our time. Those interested in being part of this unique experience can learn more and sign up through the links provided. The organizing team will be available to answer any questions.



